Suicide note of a 22 year old...
To whom it may concern...
This is to notify you...nah! Sounds too corny... I am dead by the time you're reading this (or may be no, if some moron tried to save me...thwarting thus, the courageous attempt to sacrifice my life)... But if I'm indeed ' no more', I wonder if it was brave of me to kill myself or an act of supreme cowardice, height of escapism?
The sole purpose of writing this letter is to inform everyone that no one is responsible for my death... It was a well-thought of, planned act... And I was the sole perpetrator, egged on by circumstances, nothing else... So, if someone has to be punished, accused or held responsible for my sudden, untimely, premature etc, etc,'s the Fate Sisters...ha!ha! try getting them into a Court of Law...
The question my beloved parents and loved ones are wondering is, why did I do this? What pushed me to take this extreme step... Depression, feeling of failure, loneliness, bankruptcy, heartbreak?... Probable answers but not the right one to solve the mystery of my death... I'm sure all of the above have influenced my life but not my death...
What if I was to say that I got fed up with life? Life was just not enough... Or life was just not worth it... I wanted to achieve a state of transcendence... I wanted to break away from this life in order to seek a better one... A life which poets dream of, spiritualists meditate on, philosphers preach about... A life that would cease to be a figment of my imagination... A life which would come out from the dark recesses of my mind and become a reality...
I want to tell my parents that I love them dearly and that they should take care of themselves and should never blame themselves for my death...
And now, I'm sure you're wondering whether I achieved the life that I desired? Or at least how is the state that I'm in right now?... Well, to know that you will have to join me in the heavenly abode or fiery pit... And we can live our life together...
p.s.- Psst... I'm watching you...
This is to notify you...nah! Sounds too corny... I am dead by the time you're reading this (or may be no, if some moron tried to save me...thwarting thus, the courageous attempt to sacrifice my life)... But if I'm indeed ' no more', I wonder if it was brave of me to kill myself or an act of supreme cowardice, height of escapism?
The sole purpose of writing this letter is to inform everyone that no one is responsible for my death... It was a well-thought of, planned act... And I was the sole perpetrator, egged on by circumstances, nothing else... So, if someone has to be punished, accused or held responsible for my sudden, untimely, premature etc, etc,'s the Fate Sisters...ha!ha! try getting them into a Court of Law...
The question my beloved parents and loved ones are wondering is, why did I do this? What pushed me to take this extreme step... Depression, feeling of failure, loneliness, bankruptcy, heartbreak?... Probable answers but not the right one to solve the mystery of my death... I'm sure all of the above have influenced my life but not my death...
What if I was to say that I got fed up with life? Life was just not enough... Or life was just not worth it... I wanted to achieve a state of transcendence... I wanted to break away from this life in order to seek a better one... A life which poets dream of, spiritualists meditate on, philosphers preach about... A life that would cease to be a figment of my imagination... A life which would come out from the dark recesses of my mind and become a reality...
I want to tell my parents that I love them dearly and that they should take care of themselves and should never blame themselves for my death...
And now, I'm sure you're wondering whether I achieved the life that I desired? Or at least how is the state that I'm in right now?... Well, to know that you will have to join me in the heavenly abode or fiery pit... And we can live our life together...
p.s.- Psst... I'm watching you...